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The Institutional Framework of European Diplomacy
13-03-2014 / 13-03-2014

Dans le cadre de son cycle de conférences consacrées à l’UE en tant qu’acteur international, l’unité de recherche en droit de l’Université du Luxembourg invite David O'Sullivan à venir présenter le Service européen pour l'action extérieure (SEAE) le 13 mars 2014 de 17 à 19 heures.

The tools of European diplomacy needed to evolve in order to match the ever changing dynamics of our global realities. Only by acting together can we Europeans help shape the political contours of the world in the coming century. Hence, the Lisbon Treaty created the legal basis for a more joined-up EU foreign policy through the creation of the HR/VP figure, supported by a modern diplomatic service – the European External Action Service (EEAS).

This talk will cover:

• The establishment of the EEAS following the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty

• The EEAS' institutional role and its interface with other institutions involved in shaping and implementing the EU foreign and security policies

• Examples of policy achievements with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of the post-Lisbon European foreign policy institutional setup

David O'Sullivan is currently the Chief Operating Officer of the European External Action Service. He was Director General for Trade from 2005 to 2010. Previously he was Secretary General of the European Commission from June 2000 to November 2005, Head of Cabinet of Commission President Romano Prodi and Director General for Education and Training. He started his career in the Irish Foreign Ministry and spent four years in the Commission Delegation in Tokyo. He also has extensive experience in EU social and employment policy. David O’Sullivan has a background in economics, graduating from Trinity College, Dublin and having completed post graduate studies at the College of Europe, Bruges. He holds an Honorary Doctorate from the Dublin Institute of Technology. He is also a Member of the Consultative Board of the Institute for International Integration Studies at Trinity College, Dublin. He is a visiting Professor at the European College of Parma and was awarded Alumnus of the Year 2013 by the College of Europe, Bruges